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Broken remote meetings

Video calls and conferences are the easiest way to meet remote employees. Both parties can chat online and it enables team members to build virtual relationships. However, current email and shared screen technologies do not meet the basic need for teams to stay close and connected. As a result, colleagues who are geographically separated cannot connect easily and experience great social distancing, and struggle to develop effective interactions. So we took up this challenge and asked ourselves: How can immersive technologies motivate a remote team without personal supervision and create a sense of belonging?


With Virtualist, app employees can immerse themselves in a simulated workspace where they can interact with other colleagues, no matter where they are. It’s simple: you install the app, create your own scene with custom details and invite guests to your 3d space. Moreover, the Virtualist application can be called an ideal tool for remote viewing and collaboration on architectural and design projects.

By being face-to-face with your team at least once a week, you can be sure you know what’s going on and where everything is going.

Cut costs and efforts

The results show that the week of traditional email and phone communication has been compressed into two hours of remote session. In addition, the users emphasized the advantages of VR and AR meetings:

  • Reduction of travel costs,
  • A higher degree of interaction,
  • Reduce decision-making time thanks to virtual project demonstrations;
  • Increasing employee loyalty to the company.

Start your virtual meeting
