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Czym jest Wirtualna Rzeczywistość?

  • A virtual space
  • Immersion: mental (a deep engagement state) and physical (physical engagement  makes our mind to suspend disbelief that we are in a virtual environment.)
  • Sensory feedback: visual, aural, haptic
  • Interactivity

Every VR device places one or two screens in front of users’ eyes and thus eliminates any possible real-world interaction. Two lenses that are auto-focused, are placed in between the eyes and the screen. These adjust depending on the positioning and eye movement of the user. It makes you feel like you are there mentally and physically.

How can VR be used for business?

Many businesses find Virtual Reality as a cost-effective way of developing a product or service. For example, this enables them to test a prototype without having to develop several versions of this which can be time consuming and expensive. Companies are able to use VR to better visualize and design the product that they are developing like never in various fields. Here are some of them:


VR has an important role in the manufacturing industry due to its unique applications in the prototyping process and design. Manufacturers such as aerospace giants Boeing and Airbus use the technology to eliminate the need for costly full-scale prototypes of their designs.

Architecture and construction

VR platforms enable architects to walk customers through their designs before they have been built, providing vital opportunities for feedback and changes. Architects and engineers use this technology to represent structures so that they will have a plan for construction that shows them where the flaws are in the architectural plan and any changes that need to be made.

Korzyściom z wirtualnej rzeczywistości w architekturze poświęciliśmy osobny artykuł


VR in retail is predicted to reduce product returns, marketing costs, and offer efficient analytics and data. Audi, BMW, Porsche and other automotive brands are opening up virtual experiences in dealerships and rolling out mobile apps. Online shopping giant Alibaba has also introduced their version of full VR shopping experience – the concept is a virtual reality device that allows to walk through a store and buy products.

Business meetings and collaboration

In today’s world where coworkers can be continents apart, the subtleties of this information may be hard to convey using a flat monitor screen and a voice on a telephone or messenger connection. VR solutions allow professionals to gather in a virtual space to jointly review 3D models. From a technical point of view, it has voice over IP, collaborative markups and synchronised cloud models to allow for easier sharing of information.

How to develop VR software?

Experts who work professionally with VR and develop the right software should feel experienced in working with programming languages (such as C ++ / C #), prototyping models, the 3D game engine (the most popular of which is Unity), testing and not only. Thus, virtual reality may seem like a complex field with a high bar for entry. The good news is that currently customers can interact with objects that are already created by developers and use applications that allow creating VR space with just a few clicks. For example, architects can simply import a 3D model, use predefined editing tools to place the model in a virtual space, and then start a VR tour with other participants.

What is  VR software?

As the virtual reality market continues to move forward, more tools are created for VR developers. Although it is difficult to classify all VR systems, some experts divide it into content management systems, VR SDKs (software development kits), game engines, and others. Some solutions provide high-level functions where applications can be created using custom scripting languages and graphical tools, and the system itself takes most of the responsibility for computing, geometry, and interaction. Others are just above the hardware level, using well-known graphical APIs and programming languages to provide a better perfomance for users.

The most suitable option for enterprises that want to use VR solutions are full-fledged development environments, such as Virtualist app.

What is VR hardware?

Any VR experience starts with a headset, or head-mounted display (HMD). It is a device that brings a computer-simulated content in front of your eyes, imitating presence in real environments. The decision to buy a VR hardware system has to be based on your personal use case, the amount you are willing to spend, and the following factors: immersion ( user’s feeling of presence in a virtual environment), comfort, and content. Most popular headsets so far are:

How VR can be used in education?

Many dangerous and simply high-risk operations on Earth also employ virtual reality as part of their practice. Military, firefighter, railway maintenance, and many more simulators are used to prepare trainees to make quick decisions in stressful situations, and all without harming or endangering people as it used to be with traditional training. In 2015, Google announced its new service Expeditions and offered free headsets along with teacher-assisting software to all schools that decide to implement the technology. Using virtual field trips, teachers can take students to travel around the world, explore underwater flora and fauna, and enrich lecture with immersive and engaging experiences.

Is VR safe?

Most VR headset manufacturers say the device is not suitable for children under age 12/13. Although there are no long-term studies, ophthalmologists agree there is no reason to be concerned that VR headsets will damage eye development, health or function. Nevertheless, viewing an image involving motion gives the brain the same visual signals it receives during actual physical motion. That’s why VR headsets usage can lead to dizziness. If you’re susceptible to motion sickness on a boat or rollercoaster, you’ll likely to feel virtual motion sickness as well. In order to use VR without health harm, users are recommended to take breaks frequently and adjust the fit of the headset by tightening or loosening straps before starting the virtual experience.

What are VR games?

Virtual games use a 3D image that can be viewed interactively on a computing device using the keys, mouse, or touch screen. More immersive examples include the headsets mentioned earlier or even virtual reality rooms. Genres such as shooting games, adventures or simulations got enhanced thanks to this technology. Virtual reality games can be played on standalone systems, specialized game consoles, or on laptops / PCs that can be connected to a headset. VR games can be either solo- or multi-played:

  • First-person games. The player is in a physical environment. For example. players experience presence on the battlefield with appropriate sound and visual accompaniment (flying bullets, explosions, etc.).
  • Games with less confrontational activities: auto racing, as an example.
  • Challenging games or missions – to explore new places, solve problems.

Moreover, online game operators (such as casinos) also use VR technology to their advantage